Event Postponed
Perennial Plant sale
Date: WAS 29th and 30th of August To be confirmed once once we are out of level 3.
Venue: 38 Hull road,Waiuku
Date: 10-2pm Saturday and Sunday
So keep an eye out for new Date and time in the near future.
Half price perennials $2-$4 plants for two days only. Plus our ongoing range at $8.00 per plant
Asters, Ajuga, Filapendula, Geum, Geranium ,Iris, Lychnis, Penstemon, Potentilla, Salvia, Soapwort, Scabisoa and many more.....
We are busy propagating and adding new plants every week to our online store. So get in touch if you see a plant that catches your attention.
Go Well and Keep Gardening!