On a stroll around the garden and nursery I came across some real gems in flower. My garden is a work in progress as always. Uncovering some delights that the previous owner had planted and adding my own touches with each season. Lockdown has been fantastic in that it has allowed me to weed some beds and get the mulch on. Sometimes it is nice to walk and not do though!
Garden bed full of Ixias, Bromiliads, Armeria, Magnolia, Carex 'Frosted Curls', Purple flax, and Echeveria, an Iris in full glory, Gladiolus Nanus, Babinia stricta(Blue Fushia), Festuca and Helleborus, a great combination, Bletilla striata 'Alba'(White Ground orchard), Flowering Almond what a wonderful site in full flower, Pittosporum crassifolium, an abundant hardy native, with dainty, highly scented flowers, Bletilla striata(Ground Orchard), What a treat! I enjoyed my stroll, hope you get some delight as well from the photos! Cheers, Rebecca